11 Jul 2012

Salesforce.com worldwide disruption

Posted by iwgcr

SalesForce.com suffered a series of outages, many customers was unable to use the CRM service for a while.

On July 10, 2012 starting at 07:24 UTC, salesforce.com experienced a service disruption in its San Jose (SJL) data center, impacting customers on the NA1, NA5, NA6, CS0, CS1, CS3 and CS12 instances. Many customers was unable to use the CRM service for a while.

Even the status page was down and many user took to Twitter to complain.

The root cause of this incident was isolated to a software configuration error in a static transfer switch (STS) that caused a circuit breaker to fail during theirs data center’s planned maintenance of its electrical infrastructure.

(source ZDNet)




Critical Data Lost

2012-07-10 SaleForce 13 hours No