10 Jan 2012
Torrential rains flooded a T-Mobile datacenter
BGR.com report an T-mobile outage steming from a significant flooding at their central data center in Bothell (State of Washington). This outage affected customer activations and the performance of the Tmobile.com web site.
In fact, the services impacted was customer support, activiations, and some website functions. Lots of customers commented this outage on DSLreports.com forum. The datacenter is located in Bothell:
[googlemaps http://maps.google.fr/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=fr&geocode=&q=Bothell,+%C3%89tat+de+Washington,+%C3%89tats-Unis&aq=0&oq=bothell+&sll=46.75984,1.738281&sspn=10.208241,23.269043&vpsrc=6&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Bothell,+Comt%C3%A9+de+King,+%C3%89tat+de+Washington,+%C3%89tats-Unis&t=m&ll=47.872144,-122.233887&spn=0.73695,1.376038&z=9&iwloc=A&output=embed&w=500&h=400]
A blogger, telling that he was a T-Mobile employee, wrote:
The report is correct – The main data center is flooded right now, so we only have email and our coverage/outage map. No accounts can be accessed due to the systems being out, so this can and will affect short codes such as 646, 225, the website and just about every system. It started around 7:30pm EST and was still happening when I left around 2:00 am EST. They were hoping to at least get read only systems online in the next few hours, so that we can at least do a little for the customers. Hopefully it will be back soon – Any techies have a clue how long it takes to dry out servers and get them back online – That should give a better idea on timelines.
Date |
Country |
Nature |
Consequence |
2007-12-04 |
Flood |
Servers in T-Mobile data center shut down |