10 Jan 2012

Virginia Data Center Power Issues

Posted by iwgcr

ServerBeach datacenters were affected by a power outage in November in San Antonio. ServerBeach is a dedicated Hosting provider, delivers dedicated servers and server management tools. According to DatacenterKnowledge, the outage occured during system maintenance. The downtime lasted four hours.

ServerBeach communicated on his forum:

We have been performing ongoing maintenance in our Virginia data center since the last issue that we had out there this past summer. At approximately 8:00am Central Time we experienced a power outage that affected our entire data center. At 9:15am Central Time the power stabilized and we began bringing servers back online.

[googlemaps http://maps.google.fr/maps?oe=utf-8&client=firefox-a&ie=UTF8&q=san+antonio+serverbeach&fb=1&gl=fr&hq=serverbeach&hnear=0x865c58af04d00eaf:0x856e13b10a016bc,San+Antonio,+Texas,+%C3%89tats-Unis&cid=0,0,12447585979883324196&t=m&vpsrc=6&ll=29.587192,-98.446426&spn=0.238844,0.342636&z=11&iwloc=A&output=embed&w=500&h=400]




Critical Data Lost

2007-10-20 ServerBeach 4 hours No