5 Dec 2011
Fire Destroys Wisconsin Data Center
The March 19 of 2008, a Wisconsin data center was wiped out in a fire, leaving many business web sites offline. In the datacenter in GreenBay, servers, routers, and switches were destroyed at Camera Corner,a business that offered web hosting and other IT services. It took 10 days to get customer web sites back online.
This picture was taking on ITRM’s website.
A total of 75 servers were destroyed and the CEO Rick Chernick indicated that the company had no live backup plan. More details on DataCenterKnowledge website.
[googlemaps http://maps.google.fr/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=fr&geocode=&q=Camera+Corner,+Green+Bay,+Wisconsin,+United+States&aq=0&sll=44.519159,-88.019826&sspn=0.331942,0.727158&vpsrc=6&gl=fr&g=Green+Bay,+Wisconsin,+%C3%89tats-Unis&ie=UTF8&hq=Camera+Corner,&hnear=Green+Bay,+Comt%C3%A9+de+Brown,+Wisconsin,+%C3%89tats-Unis&t=m&cid=17082600374634166454&ll=44.55109,-88.012848&spn=0.097864,0.171318&z=12&iwloc=A&output=embed&w=500&h=400]
Date |
Country |
Nature |
Consequence |
2008-03-31 | USA | Fire | Fire Destroys Wisconsin Data Center, web sites no longer available for 10 days. |